Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Another Tuesday, Another New Comic

The comic is posted pretty late, but it still counts as Tuesday, so its not late. In fact, the comic is probably going to be updated on Tuesday nights from now on. I am a busy college student afterall. So enjoy Niece Web #9. Also look for more pics to come to the Art Gallery and even a links page to pop up.

-Later Taters.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Triumphant debut of the Art Gallery!

I updated the website with the addition of the Art Gallery today, so definitely take a look at it. You can find the link to it with links to the other webpages. Art Gallery is the place on the site where I put up artwork related to Niece Web that isn't a comic. I plan to put up some original art, some sketches and development art, and maybe some fan art if I get any some day. So definitely check it out often. Don't worry, I'll let you guys know if I put any new stuff in the gallery right here in the News and Comments section. There isn't much to the Gallery today since I just started it, but I will be adding on to it alot in the future.

Some other minor changes I did to the site...

1. I fixed all of the links on the site to reflect the new website name of comicgen instead of keenspace. I should've done that when I first changed to comicgen, but better late then never. I think the site loads more efficiently now that I did that, so that was a good thing.

2. I made the Main Archive page more efficient by putting in the "Comics by Title" section. I realize how much the Calendar system sucks...I mean, who cares about the date of the comic, right? The only good thing about the calendar system is that it updates by itself. With the new title system, I have to update it by hand. But hey, anything to make the website more efficient. I know you love me.

I'll have a new comic up on Tuesday, until then, later taters!