Saturday, October 15, 2005

Niece Web #14 up!

Another Saturday, another Niece Web comic. Today is a pretty good day for the Northeast. We have been hit with 9 days worth of rain and cloudiness. Seriously, I haven't seen the sun since Thursday of last week, and now its Saturday. Well, the sun is finally back and I'm loving it. Now I can get my energy back.

Today is also the "Million More Movement", which is the sequel to the Million Man March of 10 years ago. A million or so of people are gathering in Washington D.C. today to talk about the state of black affairs and topics of interest amongst the black community. I encourage everyone to witness this event on C-SPAN today (if you can even locate that channel on your service). You'll definitely learn alot today. Well, let me get on to the comic.

Comic Commentary for Niece Web #14

I really love today's comic. The idea just popped in my head and I thought it was gold. I think it was that episode of South Park when everyone in the town had to poop all the time because of a strain of diarrhea (among the other messed up things going on in that town). Cartman's mother left the port-a-potty outside and she proclaimed to everyone "She just had a brown baby boy". For some reason, I remember that part and made it into a full fleshed comic.

Today marks the first ever appearance of the niece's mother, Tiffany...and what better introduction is there than to be on the birth to your quadruplets....yea, that's a pretty big introduction. Of course Dark Spider is kidding about this story....right?!?!

See you next week, Later Taters!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Dark Spider Web piece is up

Go check out the Dark Spider Web for a new entry entitled "Which one is my favorite niece?" where I go about answering that question (sort of).

If there's one thing I have noticed while doing this comic, its that most people spell "niece" wrong. I've seen it spelled "nice", "neice", "necie", "neece", "nece". I'm like "This word is not that difficult to spell". Come on guys, don't you remember that old spelling rule "I before E except after C"? The word "niece" follows that rule. When I go about submitting my comic website to the search engines, I'll make sure to include all of the misspellings in the keywords section so you guys can search for it fine, haha. Later Taters until next update.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Niece Web #13 up today

Uh oh, unlucky comic #13....wait, that's right, I'm not superstitious! Its just a number, so I'm not worried that the comic is going to crash and burn...right? Make sure to check out the new Dark Spider Web and make use of the new Tagboard at the bottom of this page.

Comic Commentary for Niece Web #13

Lifetime, television for women...what a channel that is. I feel sorry for the guys that think they're too masculine to watch a network about females. The shows may be campy, but if there's something Lifetime does right, its their movies. They feature the best dramas you don't know about. You can easily get lost on a weekend afternoon watching their movies. They knew what they were doing when they created the Lifetime Movie Network...they had gold. The only thing about most of their movies is that the male in the movies suck. They lie, they cheat, they oppress the female lead, they beat her up, and all of those negative things. Women might defend it and say that's life for you, but there's no denying that men have a bad rap on that channel.

So yea, the comic is mostly about the Lifetime network, and how Marty only starts to get into the channel when the male on tv starts to be macho (or an ass to his wife, they're both correct haha just kidding) typical of him. Here's a rare treat, Winter defending her uncle for once...maybe she doesn't hate him that much after all. Time will tell.

See you at the next update, Later Taters!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Introducing the Dark Spider Web, The Tagboard, and other little changes...

Some changes happened to the Niece Web website today...

The Dark Spider Web

I added a new feature to the Niece Web website named the Dark Spider Web. Its a blog (kind of like an online journal type thing) that I type about pretty much anything in. I figured that the comic is 1 part writing and 1 part art...and since there is an art section here (the Art Gallery), I figured there might as well be a writing section too, and the Dark Spider Web covers this pretty nicely. So go check it out, the link is active on top of this webpage.

The Tagboard

Another feature that I added to the website is the tagboard. The tagboard is a little place where you can type comments about the comic or do a little chat with anyone who typed in it a mini IM conversation except you don't really know who's available or not. Just type in something, and you'll get a response at some point, haha. So please make use of the tagboard if you have any comments, criticisms, or just anything you have to say.

-Mini Tagboard Walkthrough

1.The first big square with all the words and stuff in it is the MAIN SCREEN that shows the current comments/conversation that's going on.

2.Below the main screen you'll see a text link to the Tag board's main website (where I got the tagboard form in the first place). You can go there if you want to find out more about Tag Boards or if you want one for youself to place on your website.

3.Below the text link you'll see 3 boxes, you'll use these to actually type something into tagboard and have it show up in the Main screen as part of the conversation.

4.First, you type your name into the box that says "Name" above it. You don't have to put your real name, and I encourage you not to. Just put whatever name you want to be identified as.

5.Second, you have the option of typing in your websites' web address (if you have one) or your email address into the second box that says "URL or Email" above it. You can if you want to, its optional.

6.Third, you can now type in your message in the last big box that says "Messages (smilies)" over it. Type whatever you want, but beware that curse words will be *bleeped* out. If you want smilies in your message, just click the link right above the box that says "smilies". Then, a pop up list of all the available smilies will appear and all you have to do is type in the character sequence into your message and it'll appear. (for example, typing :) will get your a smiley face in your message.

7.Press the gray "TAG" button below the message box and your message will appear in the Main Screen for everyone to view. In the Main Screen, the name you given yourself will appear underlined, followed by your message. If you submitted your web address or email, then if you click your name on the Main Screen, it'll bring you to your web page or your default email composer, ready to send a message to your email.

8. Enjoy! If you still have any more problems, just visit tag board's website for more help. I'll add a more complete Tag Board tutorial to the Infodex in the near future.

Other changes

If you go to the main archives page, you'll notice a new gold/black color scheme. I changed the color scheme because it makes the Calendar on that page easier to read. Another change is if you click on a navigation link on the website, that link will turn into a darker shade of gray to make it more readable. The final change is that I added new quotes for the blue bar at the very top of your window. There's a different quote for every page of the website. These are not the biggest changes, but the little ones count too.

There will be a new comic around 10 or 11PM tomorrow, so check back tomorrow. I got a ton of studying and essays to do, so I got to go. Later Taters!