Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And no finale til Saturday for the kill!

I really hate to do this to you guys, but the finale won't be until Saturday now. I've just been hit heavy with alot of college work all at once and I can't possibly complete it all and the comic at the same time. I thought I could, but I guess not. I'll definitely do something extra for you guys to make up for this, but for now bear(?) with me. Thanks and later taters

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

OMG, no finale tonight

So yea, I'm now starting to dislike doing time sensitive comics, because of stuff like this. I had a nice finale all planned out to hall on Holloween night....and I'm hit heavy with so much work, that I can't do the comic until tomorrow. Sigh, I hate to do it, but no comic'll get it tomorrow when I'm much more free to do it.

So yea, later taters until tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

More of the Niece Web Holloween special today!

To make up for Friday's update, I'm update the comic with 2 COMICS today!!! Today you get "The More You Know Through Fear" Parts 2 and 3. Since only one comic can be shown on the front can view Part 2 in the archives while Part 3 will be on the front page. Good Times! I hope you're enjoying the comics and please leave me some feedback on the tagboard. The finale of "The More You Know Through Fear" will (hopefully) be tomorrow on Holloween. See you then, Later Taters.