Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Comic will be on Sunday...

So yea, I'm envoking the "Sunday clause", that I talked about last Tuesday. So this week, the weekend comic will be tomorrow. Also tomorrow, I will update the comic info page so it has more updated information and pictures. I'll see you tomorrow, later taters!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Happy Tuesday!

Its another Tuesday and that means another update for the comic. Part 2 of "The Chatterbox Technique" is up so enjoy!

I know something's up with the shoutbox this week, I'm just waiting it out to see if it corrects itself. When I go to their main page, it says that their domain name expired. What poor housekeeping!!! If its not fixed within this week, then I'm getting rid of it til it does. Its a shame too because I liked the shoutbox.

Also I caught a mistake in the archives that I fixed. The link to the finale for the Halloween special wasn't correct, so I went ahead and fixed that. All better!

Til this weekend, later taters!

Monday, December 05, 2005

New story and a revised update schedule

Hello everyone to the extremely late comic. Even though it wasn't my fault, I feel I have to apologize anyway for it...don't like late comics, feels as though I'm letting you guys down. Now that we got that out of the way, today is a brand new storyline "The Chatterbox Technique". Weird name, huh? You'll find out why its named that way in the upcoming comics. Neoma, Marty and later on Veronica are back in the comic for this storyline too which is always a plus.

Also I made a slight revision to the updating schedule. I realize that I'm having trouble keeping up with the Saturday schedule because of other work and obligations, and most times I end up posting the comic on Sunday. So now that's part of the updating schedule. My comic will still update on Tuesday and Saturday, but if something happens where I can't post the comic on Saturday, I'll let you guys know and you can look for the comic on Sunday. This way, its more official, instead of me screwing up again. So now the comic updates on Tuesday and Saturday (or Sunday). Weird looking, eh?

Anyway, there will be a new comic tomorrow (unless some other website mishap happens again) so don't forget. Later Taters!