Saturday, February 11, 2006

Niece Web #40 is up....that's right, we're up to 40 comics right now

Its always a rewarding feeling when the tens column of the number of comics I've done goes up a digit. Now Niece Web is up to 40 with today's comic. We have a return of the bickering between Winter and Dark Spider. Stay tuned for very sweet Valentine's Day comic this Tuesday. Later Taters til then.

P.S., its been so long since I had a Saturday update...geez....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Niece Web #39 is up

Niece Web #39 is up without a single problem. Its a regular ol' miracle. I hope you enjoy today's comic. It involves one of Autumn's guilty pleasures...romance novels. I'll see you at the weekend update. Later Taters!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Comic will be tomorrow around 10PM

Sorry to post this so late, but I've been busy with other obligations today and haven't got around to posting the new comic. It will be up by 10PM on Wednesday. Sorry for any inconvieniece. Trust me, I hate doing late comics too, but with my schedule, I'm suprised I can keep up with what I've been doing. Later Taters!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Niece Web #38 is finally up!

Niece Web #38 "Anal Bleaching" is finally up after being a day late. Man, I was so pissed about it being late too. The server updating thingie got broken. Well, anyway, enjoy this comic. The nieces are the correct colors this time more phantom ghost quadruplets that scare little children and kittens everywhere. Today's topic is Anal Bleaching which is the most useless cosmetic procedure ever. Winter will explain my sentiments in the comic. Later Taters until tomorrow's update!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Comic having trouble loading...(Mon 10AM Update)

I don't know what's up, but lately I've been having trouble doing manual updates of my comic. Because of this, my comics are late. I've been trying to inquire about it, but nobody can help me. Anyway, hopefully my comic updates tonight, because its in the updating queue right now. Its a good comic too, so stay tuned...

Monday Update: Update Backlog 02/06/05
Alot of my comrades at Comic Genesis are having this problem right now. It seems the updating queue is backed up. What that means is that normally the comic has to wait in line with the other comic authors to update. But something happened and now the line isn't moving at all. The only thing to do is wait and hopefully the situation will rectify. In the mean time, please be patient. I'm sorry for the inconvienience.