Saturday, April 22, 2006

Rainy Day Club Part 11 now up and other news...

Bonjour everyone! Please enjoy Part 11 of the Rainy Day Club story. I like to call these particular comics "setup" comics. Nothing exciting happens, but its necessary downtime to set up the juicy parts later on in the story. You'll see, lol. Oh and this comic marks the "proper" introduction of Summer's boyfriend, Darren. The reason why I say proper is because, he was kind of introduced back in comic #22 ("Candid Does Not Mean Embarrasing"), but it was just a picture of him kissing up on Summer.

Oh and I forgot to mention. I am currently working on a second comic series. As Niece Web heads into more plot oriented stories, it doesn't satisfy my urging to do topical and random humor. So I created a second series called "Credenza of Nothing" for this very purpose. The comic will be up and running in another month or so. You guys are probably wondering "But how can you do another comic when you habitually miss Niece Web updates?". Well, this new comic won't affect Niece Web in the slightest. This is because the new comic will be in a black/white newspaper strip style, and thus is much easier and less time consuming to create than full page color.

Anyway, I talked your head off already. I'll see you on the Tuesday update. Later Taters!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rainy Day Club part 10 is up

I finally got the comic up at like 4AM, but better late than never. I did NOT want to miss another update, lol. Anyway, please enjoy part 10 of the Rainy Day Club story.

Today we learn a little about why Spring resents Winter so. We also get to see Aunt Mary again. For those who may not know, Aunt Mary took care of and raised the nieces since they were 3 years old (that's when their parents died). She herself died about 2 years before the present time and since then Dark Spider has been taking care of the nieces. The last time she was in the comic was the finale of "The More You Know Through Fear".

Well, hope you enjoy the comic and later taters until the weekend update!