Saturday, April 29, 2006

Introducing the Dreaded Filler comics

So yea, its finally come to this. As I prepare to end the spring semester at my university, I find myself swamped with final projects and less time to do comics. So I am going to take a week off from doing the comic so I can focus on these final projects.

In the mean time though, there will be two filler comics for the update tonight and the update for Tuesday. The filler comic tonight is exactly how I feel about the approaching finals deadlines. Feel free to feel sorry for both Spring and me.

The filler comic for Tuesday will just be some character sketches of Autumn that I did on the side. Why just Autumn, you may ask? Well currently I am on an Autumn binge, as I like to call it. Every once in awhile, I kinda focus my attention on one character for like a few weeks or so. I do extra sketches of that one character, or the comic may lean in toward their favor for a little bit. I had binges for all the nieces already, and its Autumn"s turn again. So if you"re an Autumn fan, enjoy! If you"re not....then enjoy anyway, lol.

Later Taters, until the weekend of May 6th when the Rainy Day Club story returns!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Niece Web Part 12 is now up...muffin time!

Please enjoy Part 12 of the Rainy Day Club story. There is like one glaring art mistake in this comic that's really bugging me. I'm going to get that fixed pronto. But besides that, I love this comic. Spring is back to her prankster habits and actually successfully baits Winter, unlike her last time in the earlier comic "The Piss Prank". Its because of the family wide weakness for muffins and its connotations.

I have to tell you that muffins are a REALLY BIG THING in the family of Dark Spider and his nieces. As said in the comic, they are the family's ultimate symbol of love. That's why Winter is gaga over them. I'm pointing it out because its something to keep in mind for the later comics (not just in this story, but the whole comic).

Well guys, I will see you in the next update. Later taters!