Saturday, May 13, 2006

Weekend Double: Mother's Day Comics (Part 1)

First off, sorry this comic is 2 hours late. Normally new comics are up by 10PM, but I couldn't make it this time. Better late than never, right?

Second, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! In celebration, I'm doing a weekend double of comics. You'll get one for Saturday and one for Sunday, both in celebration of the day of mothers. Tonight's comic is a special one that goes out to my real life mother. If only I could get her a bouquet of flowers THAT big...haha. I love you, mom...Happy Mother's Day!

Tomorrow's comic will feature mother's day with the nieces, so don't miss it.

Later until tomorrow evening!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Introducing the Weekend Double

You guys are going to hate me, but I can't do a comic tonight.....either! An urgent matter appeared at the last minute. But what I propose in its place, is something I call a "weekend double". You basically get a new comic on Saturday AND Sunday this week. Its the least I can do for you guys, you've been so patient with me so far. Really, I love you all. Anyway, I'll see you this weekend, promise! Later Taters!

Monday, May 08, 2006

No New Comic until Thursday 10PM

Haha, I tried my best to have something for you guys when I don't have a comic available, but I'm so swamped with deadlines, I don't even have time for a filler comic. So I'm pushing up Tuesday's update for Thursday @ 10PM. That way, most of my deadline are done and I can have time for the comic. Until then, later taters!