Friday, June 16, 2006

Niece Web 68 is finally up

Hello everyone! I finally got the chance to put up the next comic. Part 21 was originally supposed to be the next comic, but I didn't have alot of time to complete it, so I decided to do a "lower maintenance" comic instead. Today's comic is a joke comic about what Dark Spider has been up to during the Rainy Day Club story. In case you forgot, a reason was given for Dark Spider's absence....he had to go food shopping and then go to the State Department of Motor Vehicles to renew his license.

I hope you enjoy this half fillerish comic, and Part 21 will be up Sunday at 11 or so. Later Taters until then and thanks for enjoying the comic!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The new comic will be available Friday Morning...

I'm very sorry guys, but the new comic will be available on Friday morning. Brand new unexpected things came up tonight and tomorrow night that prevents me from finishing the comic. I had to go "emergency shopping" with my mother tonight for my sister, who is going to a very special awards ceremony tomorrow night. I originally wasn't going to attend this ceremony, but now I'm forced to because I'm the only one that is available to bring my sister. Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY happy that I'm going to represent my family at my sister's ceremony...but I just hate late comics. Oh well, something had to give, ha. Well, I'll see you guys on Friday morning. Later Taters with love.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The New Comic will be on Wednesday around 11PM

You know what guys, I realized that I typed in that the new comic will be on Tuesday instead of Wednesday this week. I'm so sorry about that. The new comic will be tomorrow at 11PM. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll see you guys tomorrow! Later Taters!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Part 20 of the Rainy Day comic will be up!

The comic will be available at 11 tonight (or maybe even a little earlier). I'm posting this news post now because I won't be available later. But getting to the comic, Dark Autumn has been revealed to be just regular Autumn. Summer has been revealed to be a stupid bonehead. Darren is still Darresha. And finally Winter is still as pissed off as EVER!!!@$%!! The climax of the story is upon us, so don't miss a second of it. Can you guys believe that we're in part 20 of the story. I hope you're not bored of the story, because there's only like around 6 or so comics left. Stick with it, i promise you'll leave the story with a good feeling. Later Taters until the next update. It will be on Tuesday at 11!