Saturday, June 24, 2006

Some very bad news...

Hello everyone! I hate to do this to you guys, but some very personal matters came up recently that'll prevent me from updating the comic this week. I'm sorry to drop this bomb on you guys all of a sudden like this. Hopefully I can get back to working on the comic as soon as possible. I'm also sorry I can't give you a definite day that I'll return, but I'll definitely return as soon as possible, hopefully in a week or so. Please check back on the updates days (Tuesday and Saturday) and I'll have a response for you. Thanks for your understanding and patience and I'll check back with you guys on Tuesday. Later taters with love!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Part 22 is now up! Enjoy!

Part 22 of the Rainy Day Story arc is now up! This is a very interesting comic to say the least. The final confrontations have begun. Each sister had a frustration and they all dealt with it in their own personal ways. Just when things were looking up, the frustrations showed its ugly head again and now everyone is as pissed as ever. Will everything be settled, or will this situation continue to further degenerate? Find out in the upcoming weeks as the Rainy Day Club story winds down to a finish. I was initially worried about doing this drawn out storyline, but as I look back, I'm glad I went ahead with it. The Rainy Day Club story has been a pleasure to do, and I'm glad you guys have been enjoying it so far. Make sure to stick around to the end! Its very near!

Lately I've been fiddling around with new art and coloring techniques. I'm always looking for ways to make the comic look better than before and I'm willing to try different things out. For the past like 4 or so comics, I've been using a brush tipped ink pen for the inking, and I think that works wonders for the comic. The pen still needs some getting use to, and I think I need to switch back to fine point pens for detailing, but overall the art has improved to my liking.

As for coloring, I'm trying out a different technique that utilizes Photoshop layers even more and I feel that its also greatly helped out in the comic. If you look at tonight's comic, the line art seems to pop out more compared to previous comics (for example, compare Autumn's braids). That's definitely a product of the new color technique and I love it. This new technique takes some getting use to, as it's slightly more difficult than my previous techniques. But I think its worth it, as its more advantageous to the comic in the long run. Plus I can use it as a springboard into more advanced techniques I might want to explore in the future.

Well, I'm sure I talked your heads off so I'll stop here. The next comic update will be on Sunday this week and definitely expect a change in the update schedule very soon. I'm still doing 2 updates a week, but the days will be changed. I'll have it for you on Sunday. Later Taters until the next update!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Niece Web 69 is uppers!

Hello everyone. The new comic will be up at 11, but I'm posting this news post in advance. This weekend has been so freakin hot. Its 9:30 PM at the time of this news post, and its still around 90 degrees. I thought New England weather is supposed to be fair.

But getting away from complaining about the heat, tonight's comic is a heartwarmer and I hope you enjoy it. The next comic starts the climax of the story, so please don't miss it. The next comic update will be on Wednesday this week at 11PM, just so you know. Later Taters until the next update!!!