Thursday, September 28, 2006

Niece Web is under way

What's up Niece Webbers? Like that little nick name I gave you? Well, let me see you come up with something better! Anyway, today's comic is posted, and its not a day late. In fact, I haven't had a missed update since I came off my hiatus and I'm proud of it. Lets hope I don't jinx myself.

This fresh start thing I'm doing is going over very well for me. The quality of the comic has gone up alot since I started, and I don't mean shading either. I'm really letting my creative juices flow and its going to be all candy here on out.

Well guys, that's all I wanted to say for today. Later Taters until next update!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Thursday's comic will be pushed up to 11PM

Hello all. The new comics are usually posted around 8AM every update day, but Thursday's comic will be posted at 11PM this time around. I haven't been feeling good lately and I'm kinda swamped with college work right now, so I'm allowing myself some extra time. As long as its posted at SOME point on Thursday, its not late is it? haha.

Also, I finished the last leg of the archive wipe this afternoon. The original 84 comics have been put in their own little section of the site now, which you can access on the archive page. Doing that was a very laborious task indeed. For all intents and purposes, the comic has officially started over.

Well, that's all I gotta say for now. I'll see you around 11PM on Thursday. Later Taters 'til next time.

Thursday's comic will be pushed up to 11PM

Hello all. The new comics are usually posted around 8AM every update day, but Thursday's comic will be posted at 11PM this time around. I haven't been feeling good lately and I'm kinda swamped with college work right now, so I'm allowing myself some extra time. As long as its posted at SOME point on Thursday, its not late is it? haha.

Also, I finished the last leg of the archive wipe this afternoon. The original 84 comics have been put in their own little section of the site now, which you can access on the archive page. Doing that was a very laborious task indeed. For all intents and purposes, the comic has officially started over.

Well, that's all I gotta say for now. I'll see you around 11PM on Thursday. Later Taters 'til next time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Niece Web Re-Starts today; Website changes still under way

Hello everyone, welcome to Niece Web (again). As I said in the last newspost, I dedided to start the comic over....give it a new breath of fresh air. Also it gives me a metaphorical base to start my newfound creative energy from.

Enough with all the new age talk. Today's comic plays host to a couple of new design changes. Our lovely nieces pieces got complete make overs. There's mostly new hairstyles and updated clothing. Also they have a new light brown eye color (because I don't know what I was thinking when I originally gave them dark red eyes). Spider himself has a new hawaii style shirt.

The comic's format will be primarily color comic strips, with some forays into longer formats from time to time. I will focus more on gags and short stories this time around as I feel that are the comics strengths within the comic strip format. The comic's strongest format is a full blown graphic novel style story, and I will be working on such a story for the time being. What I plan to do is release a compilation book with a 100 or so comics along with 1 or 2 original stories as an added incentive to buying the book. This project won't be anywhere near completed until next summer, so don't hold your breath.

I'm really excited about this fresh start to the comic, I'm like 100 percent positive you guys will love the new direction alot.

Website Changes

I'm still in the process of changing over the website to seperate the old 84 original comics and the brand new comics. This change will be completed by tomorrow morning, so don't fret if you see anything wonky happening on the site.

Well, guys later taters until next update!