Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday's comic will be moved to Sunday at 8AM this week.

As you guys may have read earlier, I got swamped with college work and wasn't able to do Thursday's comic. Well, to compensate for this, I will be posting 2 comics over the weekend. 1 comic will be posted at 8AM on Saturday and 1 comic will be posted at 8AM on Sunday. There will be NO Friday comic like originally said. Like I said before, sorry for the comes first unfortunately. One of these days, I'm gonna make a living off of my art, but until that day comes I have to prioritize accordingly. Laters til that update.

Thursday's comic will be posted by 11:30PM

I'm pushing back Thursday's comic to 11:30PM, so look for it at that time. Swamped with school work as of late. later taters til then!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday's comic will be posted by 7:30PM

What's up everyone? I hate to say, but I'm pushing up the comic update to 7:30PM for Tuesday. Once again, I'm swamped with college work and I couldn't do the comic in advance like I wanted to. So look for the comic then! Later taters til the update!