Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Quality Control

Todays comic (Comic #2) has a significant jump in quality from the first one. I decided that the flat color look could be touched up, so I added some shading and whatnot to the characters. It looks SO MUCH better, don't you think?

The quality has also jumped in the line art department too. So far I have drawn about 6 usable comics and Comic #1 was the very first one. Comic #2 was the last one I drew and finished up. So basically I did 4 comics in between the 2 posted comics and my line art has evolved between that time. So if you wanted an explanation for such a drastic change, now you know.

I really appreciate the first round of comments that I got from my readers, it makes my job as a cartoonist that much more gratifying.

For todays comic, I used a little known cliche that I picked up from Japanese manga. In the very last panel, each of the nieces has a speech balloon with elipsis (3 dots) in them. That just means that they are being silent on purpose. Just in case some of you guys didn't get that.

Until the next update, later taters.