Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Niece Web #31 up. Holiday Comic this upcoming Sunday

Well, the Chatterbox Technique Part 5 is up (technically late, but better that than never). In today's comic I try a couple of new things out. There's a fresh new layout for the comic, instead of just using regular rectangle panels all the time. I also try out different speech balloons to convey different speech. Instead of the page being panels on white background....I tried a different color, like light purple for the page color. Also you may notice the lack of shading for this comic. Well, its just that I now find shading tedious work now and it really turns me off the coloring the comic as a whole. So to leave some sanity in me, I decided to not do shading anymore, except for once in awhile situations and occassions. So yea, today's comic was a little experimenting on my part.

This Sunday is Christmas and there's going to be a special Niece Web page devoted to the holiday. There will be an original Niece Web Christmas comic, plus I'll showcase a couple of neat artwork and comics that I received from my Santa Claus(es) this year. So if you're not too busy on Christmas, check out Niece Web. Until then, Later Taters!