Friday, January 06, 2006

Still on hiatus....even though I put up a new comic today.

I know I said I was on hiatus, but I promised you I at least put up last Satuday's missed here it is, Part 6 of the Chatterbox Technique. Hope you enjoy it. I will be on hiatus until Tuesday, January 17th....which is a little later than what I initially said. Yea, more stuff happened, but I should be able to continue the comic on that date. I want to thank you all for being patient with me, I REALLY appreciate it, and if I have time, I'll definitely make it up for y'all when I come back.

Also be sure to check out the Dark Spider has been updated for the first time since like mid-October. I'll be keeping that updated regularly, so I'll tell you all when to check it out. So...check it out NOW, haha.

So until the 17th, later taters. Dark Spider and the nieces will be back soon...