Sunday, March 25, 2007 is everybody?

If you've been following this website these past few months, you've noticed I've virtually disappeared off the face of the internet. I'm okay, but I'm going through a process of "creative recovery". I've had some pretty bad events happen to me in the past few months and it's definitely interfered with my ability to consistently update this comic....much less actually do one. I wanted it NOT to interfere, but sometimes you don't get your way...

Niece Web will definitely not die, but it just won't be on a consistent update schedule anymore. My life prevents that. I'm going to treat the comic more like a leisurely hobby rather than a labour of love. I'm sorry for such a drastic change of pace. I just ask that you guys just check the site like once in a blue moon for a new comic, instead of every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In the mean time, there's other great comics out there that update regulary to satisfy your interests...and this comic to satisfy your interests once in a while, haha.

But to leave you all on a good note, I am working on a special project for Niece Web. I'm going to unleash upon you a multiple page story starring Dark Spider and the nieces. Just think about it...a whole story not interrupted by a serialized update schedule. I'm loving it already. I'm in the writing stages now, but you'll definitely see it sometime in the future....I'll let you know when.

You guys have been nothing but good to me, and its been a pleasure to create this comic for my readers! Laters taters til next time!